Our vendors offer seeds, alternative growing methods, natural soil amendments, seed potatoes, support for pollinators & other wildlife, raw unpasteurized honey, gourmet mushrooms, gardening info, and so much more!


Free to attend & chance to win prizes!

  • Kristen Martyn


    Gardening for the Birds

    11:00AM - 12:00PM COMMUNITY ROOM

    Join Kristen Martyn to discover how to garden for the birds. We have entered into a new age of gardening. One where our yards and gardens are one of our closest links to the natural world and provide vital habitat for birds and wildlife. This presentation focuses on how to create functional gardens that attract more birds and wildlife and support local ecosystems by enhancing biodiversity. Join Kristen, as she explores several key topics in wildlife gardening including the use of native plants, garden styles and attracting birds and wildlife. Throughout this presentation Kristen will touch on experiences from her wildlife gardening journey.

    Kristen Martyn is a Birder, Master Naturalist, photographer and Bird Feeding Specialist. Her strong passion for the natural world, led her to pursue a BSc. in Zoology and complete a Post-Graduate course in Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism Management. Kristen is the owner of Wild Birds Unlimited Barrie and Wild Birds Unlimited Newmarket, two backyard bird feeding and nature shops. Kristen greatly enjoys teaching people about birds, native plants and our natural world.

  • Andrea D'Silva


    Growing Native Plants from Seed

    12:00PM - 1:00PM COMMUNITY ROOM

    Join Andrea D’Silva of Swallowtail Native Plants to learn tips and tricks to successfully grow native plants from seed. Native plant seeds often require cold moist stratification in order to germinate. Learn the advantages and disadvantages of three different methods for stratifying seeds. She’ll also touch on when to start your seeds, materials needed and helpful resources.

    Andrea D’Silva the owner of Swallowtail Native Plants. She uses her background in education, botany, and restoration ecology to teach people how to grow native plants from seed. She is particularly fond of keystone species such as asters and goldenrods. These plants support pollinators and insects, which in turn support birds and other wildlife. Through native seeds Andrea helps gardeners reconnect with nature and heal their local ecosystems.

  • Karen Stephenson


    Growing Dandelions and Other Wild Plants

    1:00PM - 2:00PM COMMUNITY ROOM

    Join Karen Stephenson as she discusses how dandelions and other wild plants (aka weeds) provide us with a vast array of nutrients and health benefits. Many are easy to grow, virtually maintenance free and offer us so many benefits. Not only are growing these for food - but they have medicinal properties as well!

    Karen Stephenson is an expert wild food educator, chartered herbalist, author of several books, professional writer/researcher, Acute Canine Herbalism Specialist, certified nutritionist, and a certified Master Naturalist (Lakehead University). Her passion is teaching people about healthy eating by integrating wild food into their daily diet.

Celebrating 10 years!

Join the Innisfil Seed Library on Wednesday, March 26th from 6pm to 7:30pm at the Lakeshore branch as we celebrate ten wonderful seasons of seed lending, resource sharing and programming in our community. Enjoy refreshments, reminiscing and a special screening of the documentary In My Backyard (2022), a woman’s personal journey into urban agriculture, converting her entire backyard into a kitchen garden. And it’s your last chance to donate seeds before the seed library reopens at Innisfil Seedy Saturday on March 29th! Film courtesy of Seeds of Diversity Canada.

Ages 14+ | Free
Wednesday, March 26th, 6-7:30pm, Lakeshore Branch
Registration Required

The Innisfil Seed Library reopens at Innisfil Seedy Saturday on Saturday, March 29th from 10am to 2pm at the Lakeshore branch. The Innisfil Seed Library is a volunteer-run seed lending and education program that is free and open to everyone. After the event and while supplies last, find seeds to borrow at the Cookstown and Lakeshore branches of the Innisfil ideaLAB & Library during regular library hours.


Free to participate

  • Children's Garden Storytime & Playapalooza

    10AM TO 11AM CHILDREN’S PROGRAM ROOM All ages, no registration required

    Join us for a fun and interactive storytime all about seeds, gardens and the great outdoors. We'll sing, rhyme, dance and celebrate new spring growth!

    12PM TO 2PM CHILDREN’S PROGRAM ROOM All ages, no registration required

    Celebrate nature, including seeds, flowers, planting and gardens with hands-on crafts and opportunities to get your hands dirty! 

  • Collage Workshop with Artist Sheresha McIntyre

    11AM TO 2PM HACKLAB Ages 10+, no registration required

    Let’s tap into the brightest most exciting parts of yourself!

    This collage workshop is not about learning textbook theories or being tested about your colour theory knowledge. It's about feeling your creativity and allowing it to move through you as you flip and rip through pages of magazines and bring your written stories to life.

    So with every cut, rip, and snip lets see what you can put together!

Ecological seed sources